Like New York city, Haywards Heath could be described as
somewhat of a shopper's paradise. Unlike New York city, the
streets of Haywards Heath are not overrun with bums, hoods
and punks.

Pay your money out of the car
is made easy with the 5 pay and display car parks located
around the main shopping arena. Exact money in Pounds Sterling
is required.
The Orchards is the only semi-covered
shopping arena in town. It used to be home to the Hiltons
department store but it closed probably due to high rates
or something. We used to have a Benetton but that closed too.
The Orchards is home to Marks & Spencers, Superdrug, that
shop with the coloured glassware in the window
and lots of other 80's style items, the post office and a family
butchers. You can also get your keys cut and heels repaired
while-u-wait. The Orchards is well protected against "ram raiding".
The Orchards has ladies boutiques and a branch of the
Next chain of stores. There are many other shops to meet the
needs of even the most discerning or experienced shopper.
 Broadbridges gentleman's outfitters
specialists A.H. Broadbirdge (AKA Man Shop) have supplied
the town's men with leisure, formal and school ware for over
forty years. Profits have soared since the closure of Kinch
and Lack. They also have a branch in nearby Burgess Hill, but
our branch is nicer. Haywards Heath also has a branch of the
'Officer's Club' providing stiff price competition. However,
the 'Officer's Club' do not sell Farrah slacks giving Broadbridges
a real 'ace in the hole'. That is until you bring 'Michael Brown'
(location: Orchards) into the equation. It's like a jungle out
there it makes us wonder how they keep form going under.
Haywards Heath had only two jewelers
when we first started writing this guide to the town. This was surprising
given the high average disposable income of many of the town's residents.
However, as Haywards Heath booms we now have four jewelers, 2 at
the economic end of the market, a standard one that does carriage
clocks and a fancy contemporary one.
 Fludes carpet and rug showroom
Carpet and floor covering specialists
Fludes (incorporating Rug World) has for many years occupied the
premier position in the towns floor covering market place. Having
revamped its carpet showroom a few years ago Fludes cemented its
reputation as a supplier of quality Axminster and other deep and
short pile coverings. However, Fludes was dealt a fierce blow late
in 2005 by carpet giant Allied Carpets when Allied bosses chose
the remaining empty double unit in the Choices development at the
foot of South Road as the location of its new premier south east
showroom. We remain convinced that given its extensive experience
in meeting the specialised flooring needs of Haywards Heath residents,
Fludes can withstand the onslaught from one of the country's biggest
The son of comic genius Norman
Wisdom owns a sports shop in Haywards Heath. Its called Wisdom
Sports and not so recently moved to larger premises to accommodate
a wider clothing range. Man Utd tops are very popular. As
are Bjon Borg style head bands. The dedicated ladies Wisdom
Sports closed due to a marked downturn in demand for 'Dash'
pastel towelette gym wear.
Pictured - Perverts
Contessa is Haywards Heath's most popular
racy lingerie boutique. Their provocative window displays give a
tantalising glimpse into the private world of the Heath lady's boudoir.
They also probably sell garments suitable for the lady with bladder
problems .Unlike Ann Summers, Contessa do not sell marital aids
the size of your forearm.
As a nation of animal lovers I'm sure you will want
to visit Pets Corner. Friendly staff might help you purchase
or maintain a pet that is right for you. Please note they
stock a wide range of manure and doggie treats.
Haywards Heath has a dedicated printer
cartridge shop called Cartridge World. Competition between Cartridge
World and classic office supplies store, The Business Shop, has
been fierce leading at one point to a provocative advertising campaign
on local radio station Bright 106.4 (more music, more variety).
Betamax may have been the superior technology
but that didn't stop the might of VHS from dominating the video tape
market in the 1980s. It also killed off Video 2000 but that's a different
story. Like Betamax, Mr Video was small but well specified and, sadly,
like Betamax Mr Video in the end had to concede defeat in the battle
against the market power of pre-recorded entertainment giants, Choices
and Blockbuster. Located in between haberdashers, Baldwins and a wine
merchants, formerly Peter Dominic, Mr Video was a pioneer of the visual
home entertainments revolution. For instance, Mr Video had a 24 hour
unattended title return slot years before it became common place in
the video rental industry. The Mr Video shop unit is now occupied
by 'Tropical Antiquities', a new age brick-a-brack retailer of some
Families wishing to have some professional
photographs taken for display in their garden room or main entertainments
room had for years needed to go no further than South Road and the
opulent studio of some photography experts whose names we cannot recall.
The studio has now closed leaving a gaping hole in the family and
family dog portraiture market. As evidenced by this recent photograph,
the unit has now been occupied by a dry ice showroom. |
For up to the minute gentleman's fashions
there's no better place than Broadbridges on Sussex road. |